-- MIB created 11/10/97 15:20:21, by -- SMIC (the next generation) version 1.6.29, November 22, 1994. SNA-SDLC-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN -- From file: "rfc1747.mi2" -- Compile options "G A T M" IMPORTS Counter32, Integer32, TimeTicks FROM SNMPv2-SMI-v1 OBJECT-TYPE FROM RFC-1212 TRAP-TYPE FROM RFC-1215 DisplayString, RowStatus, TimeInterval FROM SNMPv2-TC-v1 mib-2, ifIndex, ifAdminStatus, ifOperStatus FROM RFC1213-MIB; snaDLC OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mib-2 41 } -- MODULE-IDENTITY -- LastUpdated -- 9411150000Z -- OrgName -- IETF SNA DLC MIB Working Group -- ContactInfo -- Wayne Clark -- -- Postal: cisco Systems, Inc. -- 3100 Smoketree Ct. -- Suite 1000 -- Raleigh, NC 27604 -- US -- -- Tel: +1 919 878 6958 -- -- E-Mail: wclark@cisco.com -- Descr -- This is the MIB module for objects used to -- manage SDLC devices. sdlc OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { snaDLC 1 } sdlcPortGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sdlc 1 } sdlcLSGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sdlc 2 } sdlcTraps OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sdlc 3 } sdlcConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sdlc 4 } sdlcCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sdlcConformance 1 } sdlcGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sdlcConformance 2 } sdlcCoreGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sdlcGroups 1 } sdlcPrimaryGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sdlcGroups 2 } sdlcPortAdminTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SdlcPortAdminEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This table contains objects that can be changed to manage an SDLC port. Changing one of these parameters may take effect in the operating port immediately or may wait until the interface is restarted depending on the details of the implementation. Most of the objects in this read-write table have corresponding read-only objects in the sdlcPortOperTable that return the current operating value. The operating values may be different from these configured values if a configured parameter was changed after the interface was started." ::= { sdlcPortGroup 1 } sdlcPortAdminEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SdlcPortAdminEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A list of configured values for an SDLC port." INDEX { ifIndex } ::= { sdlcPortAdminTable 1 } SdlcPortAdminEntry ::= SEQUENCE { sdlcPortAdminName DisplayString, sdlcPortAdminRole INTEGER, sdlcPortAdminType INTEGER, sdlcPortAdminTopology INTEGER, sdlcPortAdminISTATUS INTEGER, sdlcPortAdminACTIVTO TimeInterval, sdlcPortAdminPAUSE TimeInterval, sdlcPortAdminSERVLIM Integer32, sdlcPortAdminSlowPollTimer TimeInterval } sdlcPortAdminName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString(SIZE(1..10)) -- Rsyntax OCTET STRING(SIZE(1..10)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An octet string that defines the physical port to which this interface is assigned. It has implementation-specific significance. Its value shall be unique within the administered system. It must contain only ASCII printable characters. Should an implementation choose to accept a write operation for this object, it causes the logical port definition associated with the table instance to be moved to a different physical port. A write operation shall not take effect until the port is cycled inactive." ::= { sdlcPortAdminEntry 1 } sdlcPortAdminRole OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { primary(1), secondary(2), negotiable(3) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This object describes the role that the link station shall assume the next time a connection is established. Even though this is defined as a port object, it is a link station attribute in the sense that a role is per link station. However, it is not possible to vary link station roles on a particular port. For example, if an SDLC port is configured to primary, all link stations on that port must be primary." ::= { sdlcPortAdminEntry 2 } sdlcPortAdminType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { leased(1), switched(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This parameter defines whether the SDLC port is to connect to a leased or switched line. A write operation to this administrative value shall not take effect until the SDLC port has been cycled inactive." DEFVAL { leased } ::= { sdlcPortAdminEntry 3 } sdlcPortAdminTopology OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { pointToPoint(1), multipoint(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This parameter defines whether the SDLC port is capable of operating in either a point-to-point or multipoint topology. sdlcPortAdminTopology == multipoint implies the port can also operate in a point-to-point topology. sdlcPortAdminTopology == pointToPoint does not imply the port can operate in a multipoint topology. A write operation to this administrative value shall not take effect until the SDLC port has been cycled inactive." DEFVAL { pointToPoint } ::= { sdlcPortAdminEntry 4 } sdlcPortAdminISTATUS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { inactive(1), active(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This parameter controls the initial value of the administrative status, ifAdminStatus, of this SDLC port at port start-up. Depending on the implementation, a write operation to this administrative object may not take effect until the SDLC port has been cycled inactive." DEFVAL { active } ::= { sdlcPortAdminEntry 5 } sdlcPortAdminACTIVTO OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeInterval -- Rsyntax INTEGER(0..2147483647) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This parameter defines the period of time (in 1/100ths of a second) that the port will allow a switched line to remain inactive before disconnecting. A switched line is considered to be inactive if there are no I-Frames being transferred. A value of zero indicates no timeout. Depending on the implementation, a write operation to this administered value may not take effect until the port is cycled inactive. This object only has meaning for SDLC ports where sdlcPortAdminType == switched The object descriptor contains the name of an NCP configuration parameter, ACTIVTO. Please note that the value of this object represents 1/100ths of a second while the NCP ACTIVTO is represented in seconds." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { sdlcPortAdminEntry 6 } sdlcPortAdminPAUSE OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeInterval -- Rsyntax INTEGER(0..2147483647) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This object defines the minimum elapsed time (in 1/100ths of a second) between any two traversals of the poll list for a primary SDLC port. Depending on the implementation, a write operation to this administered value may not take effect until the port is cycled inactive. The object descriptor contains the name of an NCP configuration parameter, PAUSE. Please note that the value of this object represents 1/100ths of a second while the NCP PAUSE is represented in 1/10ths of a second. This object only has meaning for SDLC ports where sdlcPortAdminRole == primary " DEFVAL { 200 } ::= { sdlcPortAdminEntry 7 } sdlcPortAdminSERVLIM OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This object defines the number of times the active poll list will be traversed before polling a station on the slow poll list for a primary, multipoint SDLC port. Depending on the implementation, a write operation to this administered value may not take effect until the port is cycled inactive. This object only has meaning for SDLC ports where sdlcPortAdminRole == primary and sdlcPortAdminTopology == multipoint " DEFVAL { 20 } ::= { sdlcPortAdminEntry 8 } sdlcPortAdminSlowPollTimer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeInterval -- Rsyntax INTEGER(0..2147483647) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This object describes the elapsed time (in 1/100ths of a second) between polls for failed secondary link station addresses. Depending on the implementation, a write operation to this administered value may not take effect until the port is cycled inactive. This object only has meaning for SDLC ports where sdlcPortAdminRole == primary and sdlcPortAdminTopology == multipoint " DEFVAL { 2000 } ::= { sdlcPortAdminEntry 9 } sdlcPortOperTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SdlcPortOperEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This table contains current SDLC port parameters. Many of these objects have corresponding objects inthe sdlcPortAdminTable." ::= { sdlcPortGroup 2 } sdlcPortOperEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SdlcPortOperEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Currently set parameters for a specific SDLC port." INDEX { ifIndex } ::= { sdlcPortOperTable 1 } SdlcPortOperEntry ::= SEQUENCE { sdlcPortOperName DisplayString, sdlcPortOperRole INTEGER, sdlcPortOperType INTEGER, sdlcPortOperTopology INTEGER, sdlcPortOperISTATUS INTEGER, sdlcPortOperACTIVTO TimeInterval, sdlcPortOperPAUSE TimeInterval, sdlcPortOperSlowPollMethod INTEGER, sdlcPortOperSERVLIM Integer32, sdlcPortOperSlowPollTimer TimeInterval, sdlcPortOperLastModifyTime TimeTicks, sdlcPortOperLastFailTime TimeTicks, sdlcPortOperLastFailCause INTEGER } sdlcPortOperName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString(SIZE(1..8)) -- Rsyntax OCTET STRING(SIZE(1..8)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An octet string that describes the physical port to which this interface is currently attached. It has implementation-specific significance." ::= { sdlcPortOperEntry 1 } sdlcPortOperRole OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { primary(1), secondary(2), undefined(3) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This object describes the role that the link station has assumed on this connection. Even though this is defined as a port object, it is a link station attribute in the sense that a role is per link station. However, it is not possible to vary link station roles on a particular port. For example, if an SDLC port is configured to primary, all link stations on that port must be primary. The value of sdlcPortOperRole is undefined(3) whenever the link station role has not yet been established by the mode setting command." ::= { sdlcPortOperEntry 2 } sdlcPortOperType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { leased(1), switched(2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This parameter defines whether the SDLC port is currently operating as though connected to a leased or switched line." ::= { sdlcPortOperEntry 3 } sdlcPortOperTopology OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { pointToPoint(1), multipoint(2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This parameter defines whether the SDLC port is currently operating in a point-to-point or multipoint topology." ::= { sdlcPortOperEntry 4 } sdlcPortOperISTATUS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { inactive(1), active(2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This parameter describes the initial value of the administrative status, ifAdminStatus, of this SDLC port at last port start-up." ::= { sdlcPortOperEntry 5 } sdlcPortOperACTIVTO OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeInterval -- Rsyntax INTEGER(0..2147483647) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This parameter defines the period of time (in 100ths of a second) that the port will allow a switched line to remain inactive before disconnecting. A switched line is considered to be inactive if there are no I-Frames being transferred. The object descriptor contains the name of an NCP configuration parameter, ACTIVTO. Please note that the value of this object represents 1/100ths of a second while the NCP ACTIVTO is represented in seconds. A value of zero indicates no timeout." ::= { sdlcPortOperEntry 6 } sdlcPortOperPAUSE OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeInterval -- Rsyntax INTEGER(0..2147483647) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This object describes the current minimum elapsed time (in 1/100ths of a second) between any two traversals of the poll list for a primary SDLC port. The object descriptor contains the name of an NCP configuration parameter, PAUSE. Please note that the value of this object represents 1/100ths of a second while the NCP PAUSE is represented in 1/10ths of a second. This object only has meaning for SDLC ports where sdlcPortAdminRole == primary " ::= { sdlcPortOperEntry 7 } sdlcPortOperSlowPollMethod OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { servlim(1), pollpause(2), other(3) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This object defines the exact method that is in effect for periodically polling failed secondary link station addresses. If sdlcPortOperSlowPollMethod == servlim, then sdlcPortOperSERVLIM defines the actual polling characteristics. If sdlcPortOperSlowPollMethod == pollpause, then sdlcPortOperSlowPollTimer defines the actual polling characteristics. If sdlcPortOperSlowPollMethod == other, then the polling characteristics are modeled in vendor-specific objects. This object only has meaning for SDLC ports where sdlcPortOperRole == primary and sdlcPortOperTopology == multipoint " ::= { sdlcPortOperEntry 8 } sdlcPortOperSERVLIM OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This object describes the number of times the active poll list is currently being traversed before polling a station on the slow poll list for a primary, multipoint SDLC port. This object only has meaning for SDLC ports where sdlcPortOperRole == primary and sdlcPortOperTopology == multipoint " ::= { sdlcPortOperEntry 9 } sdlcPortOperSlowPollTimer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeInterval -- Rsyntax INTEGER(0..2147483647) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This object describes the elapsed time (in 1/100ths of a second) between polls for failed secondary link station addresses. This object only has meaning for SDLC ports where sdlcPortOperRole == primary and sdlcPortOperTopology == multipoint " ::= { sdlcPortOperEntry 10 } sdlcPortOperLastModifyTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeTicks ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This object describes the value of sysUpTime when this port definition was last modified. If the port has not been modified, then this value shall be zero." ::= { sdlcPortOperEntry 11 } sdlcPortOperLastFailTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeTicks ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This object describes the value of sysUpTime when this SDLC port last failed. If the port has not failed, then this value shall be zero." ::= { sdlcPortOperEntry 12 } sdlcPortOperLastFailCause OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { undefined(1), physical(2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This enumerated object describes the cause of the last failure of this SDLC port. If the port has not failed, then this object has a value of undefined(1)." DEFVAL { undefined } ::= { sdlcPortOperEntry 13 } sdlcPortStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SdlcPortStatsEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Each entry in this table contains statistics for a specific SDLC port." ::= { sdlcPortGroup 3 } sdlcPortStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SdlcPortStatsEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A list of statistics for an SDLC port." INDEX { ifIndex } ::= { sdlcPortStatsTable 1 } SdlcPortStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { sdlcPortStatsPhysicalFailures Counter32, sdlcPortStatsInvalidAddresses Counter32, sdlcPortStatsDwarfFrames Counter32, sdlcPortStatsPollsIn Counter32, sdlcPortStatsPollsOut Counter32, sdlcPortStatsPollRspsIn Counter32, sdlcPortStatsPollRspsOut Counter32, sdlcPortStatsLocalBusies Counter32, sdlcPortStatsRemoteBusies Counter32, sdlcPortStatsIFramesIn Counter32, sdlcPortStatsIFramesOut Counter32, sdlcPortStatsOctetsIn Counter32, sdlcPortStatsOctetsOut Counter32, sdlcPortStatsProtocolErrs Counter32, sdlcPortStatsActivityTOs Counter32, sdlcPortStatsRNRLIMITs Counter32, sdlcPortStatsRetriesExps Counter32, sdlcPortStatsRetransmitsIn Counter32, sdlcPortStatsRetransmitsOut Counter32 } sdlcPortStatsPhysicalFailures OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of times this port has failed due to its physical media since port startup. At port startup time, this object must be initialized to zero." ::= { sdlcPortStatsEntry 1 } sdlcPortStatsInvalidAddresses OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of frames received by this port with invalid link station addresses." ::= { sdlcPortStatsEntry 2 } sdlcPortStatsDwarfFrames OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of frames received by this port which were delivered intact by the physical layer but were too short to be legal. Ignoring the frame check sequence (FCS), a frame is considered to be too short if it is less than 2 bytes for sdlcLSOperMODULO of eight, or if it is less than 3 bytes for sdlcLSOperMODULO of onetwentyeight." ::= { sdlcPortStatsEntry 3 } sdlcPortStatsPollsIn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of polls received by this port since the port was created." ::= { sdlcPortStatsEntry 4 } sdlcPortStatsPollsOut OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of polls sent by this port since the port was created." ::= { sdlcPortStatsEntry 5 } sdlcPortStatsPollRspsIn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of poll responses received by this port since the port was created." ::= { sdlcPortStatsEntry 6 } sdlcPortStatsPollRspsOut OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of poll responses sent by this port since the port was created." ::= { sdlcPortStatsEntry 7 } sdlcPortStatsLocalBusies OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of times that the local SDLC link stations on this port have entered a busy state (RNR). This object is initialized to zero when the port is created." ::= { sdlcPortStatsEntry 8 } sdlcPortStatsRemoteBusies OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of times that the adjacent (i.e., remote) SDLC link stations on this port have entered a busy state (RNR). This object is initialized to zero when the port is created." ::= { sdlcPortStatsEntry 9 } sdlcPortStatsIFramesIn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of I-Frames that have been received by SDLC link stations on this port. This object is initialized to zero when the port is created." ::= { sdlcPortStatsEntry 10 } sdlcPortStatsIFramesOut OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of I-Frames that have been transmitted by SDLC link stations on this port. This object is initialized to zero when the port is created." ::= { sdlcPortStatsEntry 11 } sdlcPortStatsOctetsIn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total octets received from adjacent SDLC link stations on this port. This object covers the address, control, and information field of I-Frames only. This object is initialized to zero when the port is created." ::= { sdlcPortStatsEntry 12 } sdlcPortStatsOctetsOut OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total octets transmitted to adjacent SDLC link stations on this port. This object covers the address, control, and information field of I-Frames only. This object is initialized to zero when the port is created." ::= { sdlcPortStatsEntry 13 } sdlcPortStatsProtocolErrs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of times that the SDLC link stations on this port have deactivated the link as a result of having received a protocol violation from the adjacent link station. This object is initialized to zero when the port is created." ::= { sdlcPortStatsEntry 14 } sdlcPortStatsActivityTOs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of times that the SDLC link stations on this port have deactivated the link as a result of no activity on the link. This object is initialized to zero when the port is created." ::= { sdlcPortStatsEntry 15 } sdlcPortStatsRNRLIMITs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of times that the SDLC link stations on this port have deactivated the link as a result of its RNRLIMIT timer expiring. This object is initialized to zero when the port is created." ::= { sdlcPortStatsEntry 16 } sdlcPortStatsRetriesExps OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of times that the SDLC link stations on this port have deactivated the link as a result of a retry sequence being exhausted. This object is initialized to zero when the port is created." ::= { sdlcPortStatsEntry 17 } sdlcPortStatsRetransmitsIn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of I-Frames retransmitted by remote link stations for all SDLC link stations on this port. This object is initialized to zero when the port is created." ::= { sdlcPortStatsEntry 18 } sdlcPortStatsRetransmitsOut OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of I-Frames retransmitted by all local SDLC link stations on this port. This object is initialized to zero when the port is created." ::= { sdlcPortStatsEntry 19 } sdlcLSAdminTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SdlcLSAdminEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This table contains objects that can be changed to manage an SDLC link station. Changing one of these parameters may take effect in the operating link immediately or may wait until the link is restarted depending on the details of the implementation. The entries in sdlcLSAdminTable can be created either by an agent or a management station. The management station can create an entry in sdlcLSAdminTable by setting the appropriate value in sdlcLSAdminRowStatus. Most of the objects in this read-create table have corresponding read-only objects in the sdlcLSOperTable that reflect the current operating value. The operating values may be different from these configured values if changed by XID negotiation or if a configured parameter was changed after the link was started." ::= { sdlcLSGroup 1 } sdlcLSAdminEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SdlcLSAdminEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A list of configured values for an SDLC link station." INDEX { ifIndex, sdlcLSAddress } ::= { sdlcLSAdminTable 1 } SdlcLSAdminEntry ::= SEQUENCE { sdlcLSAddress INTEGER, sdlcLSAdminName DisplayString, sdlcLSAdminState INTEGER, sdlcLSAdminISTATUS INTEGER, sdlcLSAdminMAXDATASend Integer32, sdlcLSAdminMAXDATARcv Integer32, sdlcLSAdminREPLYTO TimeInterval, sdlcLSAdminMAXIN INTEGER, sdlcLSAdminMAXOUT INTEGER, sdlcLSAdminMODULO INTEGER, sdlcLSAdminRETRIESm INTEGER, sdlcLSAdminRETRIESt TimeInterval, sdlcLSAdminRETRIESn Integer32, sdlcLSAdminRNRLIMIT TimeInterval, sdlcLSAdminDATMODE INTEGER, sdlcLSAdminGPoll INTEGER, sdlcLSAdminSimRim INTEGER, sdlcLSAdminXmitRcvCap INTEGER, sdlcLSAdminRowStatus RowStatus } sdlcLSAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(1..255) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value is the poll address of the secondary link station for this SDLC link. It uniquely identifies the SDLC link station within a single SDLC port." ::= { sdlcLSAdminEntry 1 } sdlcLSAdminName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString(SIZE(1..10)) -- Rsyntax OCTET STRING(SIZE(1..10)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An octet string that defines the local name of the SDLC link station. This field may be sent in the XID3 control vector 0x0E, type 0xF7." ::= { sdlcLSAdminEntry 2 } sdlcLSAdminState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { inactive(1), active(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This object controls the desired state of the SDLC station. The managed system shall attempt to keep the operational state, sdlcLSOperState, consistent with this value." DEFVAL { active } ::= { sdlcLSAdminEntry 3 } sdlcLSAdminISTATUS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { inactive(1), active(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This parameter controls the desired state, sdlcLSAdminState, of the SDLC link station at link station start-up." DEFVAL { active } ::= { sdlcLSAdminEntry 4 } sdlcLSAdminMAXDATASend OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This object contains the maximum PDU size that the local link station thinks it can send to the adjacent link station before having received any XID from the ALS. After the maximum PDU size that the ALS can receive is known (via XID exchange) that value is reflected in sdlcLSOperMAXDATASend and takes precedence over this object. This value includes the Transmission Header (TH) and the Request Header (RH)." ::= { sdlcLSAdminEntry 5 } sdlcLSAdminMAXDATARcv OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This object contains the maximum PDU size that the local link station can receive from the adjacent link station. This value is sent in the XID to the ALS. This value includes the Transmission Header (TH) and the Request Header (RH)." ::= { sdlcLSAdminEntry 6 } sdlcLSAdminREPLYTO OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeInterval -- Rsyntax INTEGER(0..2147483647) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This object controls the reply timeout (in 1/100ths of a second) for an SDLC link station. If the link station does not receive a response to a poll or message before the specified time expires then the appropriate error recovery shall be initiated. The object descriptor contains the name of an NCP configuration parameter, REPLYTO. Please note that the value of this object represents 1/100ths of a second while the NCP REPLYTO is represented in 1/10ths of a second. Depending on the implementation, a write operation to this administered value may not change the operational value, sdlcLSOperREPLYTO, until the link station is cycled inactive. This object only has meaning for SDLC ports where sdlcPortAdminRole == primary " DEFVAL { 100 } ::= { sdlcLSAdminEntry 7 } sdlcLSAdminMAXIN OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(1..127) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This object controls the maximum number of unacknowledged I-frames which an SDLC link station may receive. This should range from 1 to (sdlcLSAdminMODULO - 1). This value is sent in the XID to the ALS. A write operation to this administered value will not change the operational value, sdlcLSOperMAXIN, until the link station is cycled inactive." DEFVAL { 7 } ::= { sdlcLSAdminEntry 8 } sdlcLSAdminMAXOUT OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(1..127) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This object controls the maximum number of consecutive unacknowledged I-frames which an SDLC link station shall send without an acknowledgement. This shall range from 1 to (sdlcLSAdminMODULO - 1). For link stations on switched SDLC lines, certain implementions may choose to override this administered value with the value received in the XID exchange. Depending on the implementation, a write operation to this administered value may not change the operational value, sdlcLSOperMAXOUT, until the link station is cycled inactive. An implementation can support only modulo 8, only modulo 128, or both." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { sdlcLSAdminEntry 9 } sdlcLSAdminMODULO OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { eight(8), onetwentyeight(128) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This object controls the modulus for an SDLC link station. This modulus determines the size of the rotating acknowledgement window used the SDLC link station pair. A write operation to this administered value will not change the operational value, sdlcLSOperMODULO, until the link station is cycled inactive. An implementation can support only modulo 8, only modulo 128, or both." DEFVAL { eight } ::= { sdlcLSAdminEntry 10 } sdlcLSAdminRETRIESm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..128) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This object controls number of retries in a retry sequence for the local SDLC link station. A retry sequence is a series of retransmitted frames ( data or control) for which no positive acknowledgement is received. The number of times that the retry sequence is to be repeated is controlled by the object: sdlcLSAdminRETRIESn. The interval between retry sequences is controlled by the object: sdlcLSAdminRETRIESt. A value of zero indicates no retries. If the value of sdlcLSAdminRETRIESm is zero, then the values of sdlcLSAdminRETRIESt and sdlcLSAdminRETRIESn should also be zero. Depending on the implementation, a write operation to this administered value may not change the operational value, sdlcLSOperRETRIESm, until the link station is cycled inactive." DEFVAL { 15 } ::= { sdlcLSAdminEntry 11 } sdlcLSAdminRETRIESt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeInterval -- Rsyntax INTEGER(0..2147483647) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This object controls the interval (in 1/100ths of a second) between retry sequences for the local SDLC link station if multiple retry sequences are specified . A retry sequence is a series of retransmitted frames ( data or control) for which no positive acknowledgement is received. The number of repeated retries sequences is controlled by the object: sdlcLSAdminRETRIESn. The retries per sequence is controlled by the object: sdlcLSAdminRETRIESm. The object descriptor contains the name of an NCP configuration parameter, RETRIESt. Please note that the value of this object represents 1/100ths of a second while the NCP RETRIESt is represented in seconds. Depending on the implementation, a write operation to this administered value may not change the operational value, sdlcLSOperRETRIESt, until the link station is cycled inactive." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { sdlcLSAdminEntry 12 } sdlcLSAdminRETRIESn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This object controls the number of times that a retry sequence is repeated for the local SDLC link station. A retry sequence is a series of retransmitted frames ( data or control) for which no positive acknowledgement is received. The interval between retry sequences is controlled by the object: sdlcLSAdminRETRIESn. The retries per sequence is controlled by the object: sdlcLSAdminRETRIESm. Depending on the implementation, a write operation to this administered value may not change the operational value, sdlcLSOperRETRIESn, until the link station is cycled inactive." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { sdlcLSAdminEntry 13 } sdlcLSAdminRNRLIMIT OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeInterval -- Rsyntax INTEGER(0..2147483647) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This object controls the length of time (in 1/100ths of a second) that an SDLC link station will allow its adjacent link station to remain in a busy (RNR) state before declaring it inoperative. A value of sdlcLSAdminRNRLIMIT == 0 means there is no limit. The object descriptor contains the name of an NCP configuration parameter, RNRLIMIT. Please note that the value of this object represents 1/100ths of a second while the NCP RNRLIMIT is represented in minutes. Depending on the implementation, a write operation to this administered value may not change the operational value, sdlcLSOperRNRLIMIT, until the link station is cycled inactive." DEFVAL { 18000 } ::= { sdlcLSAdminEntry 14 } sdlcLSAdminDATMODE OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { half(1), full(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This object controls whether communications mode with the adjacent link station is two-way-alternate (half) or two-way-simultaneous (full). A write operation to this administered value will not change the operational value, sdlcLSOperDATMODE, until the link station is cycled inactive." DEFVAL { half } ::= { sdlcLSAdminEntry 15 } sdlcLSAdminGPoll OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..254) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This object describes the group poll address for this link station instance. If group poll is not in effect for this link station instance, the value for sdlcLSAdminGPoll should be zero. Depending on the implementation, a write operation to this administered value may not change the operational value, sdlcLSOperGPoll, until the link station is cycled inactive." ::= { sdlcLSAdminEntry 16 } sdlcLSAdminSimRim OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no(1), yes(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This object controls the support for transmission and receipt of SIM and RIM control frames for this link station. The value of this object controls the setting of the transmit-receive capability sent in the XID field." DEFVAL { no } ::= { sdlcLSAdminEntry 17 } sdlcLSAdminXmitRcvCap OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { twa(1), tws(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This object controls the transmit-receive capabilities for this SDLC link station. The value of this object establishes the value of the transmit-receive capability indicator sent in the XID image to the adjacent link station." DEFVAL { twa } ::= { sdlcLSAdminEntry 18 } sdlcLSAdminRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus -- Rsyntax INTEGER { -- active(1), -- notInService(2), -- notReady(3), -- createAndGo(4), -- createAndWait(5), -- destroy(6) -- } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This object is used by a management station to create or delete the row entry in sdlcLSAdminTable following the RowStatus textual convention. Upon successful creation of the row, an agent automatically creates a corresponding entry in the sdlcLSOperTable with sdlcLSOperState equal to 'discontacted (1)'." ::= { sdlcLSAdminEntry 19 } sdlcLSOperTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SdlcLSOperEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This table contains current SDLC link parameters. Many of these objects have corresponding objects in the sdlcLSAdminTable." ::= { sdlcLSGroup 2 } sdlcLSOperEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SdlcLSOperEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A list of status and control values for an SDLC link station." INDEX { ifIndex, sdlcLSAddress } ::= { sdlcLSOperTable 1 } SdlcLSOperEntry ::= SEQUENCE { sdlcLSOperName DisplayString, sdlcLSOperRole INTEGER, sdlcLSOperState INTEGER, sdlcLSOperMAXDATASend Integer32, sdlcLSOperREPLYTO TimeInterval, sdlcLSOperMAXIN INTEGER, sdlcLSOperMAXOUT INTEGER, sdlcLSOperMODULO INTEGER, sdlcLSOperRETRIESm INTEGER, sdlcLSOperRETRIESt TimeInterval, sdlcLSOperRETRIESn INTEGER, sdlcLSOperRNRLIMIT TimeInterval, sdlcLSOperDATMODE INTEGER, sdlcLSOperLastModifyTime TimeTicks, sdlcLSOperLastFailTime TimeTicks, sdlcLSOperLastFailCause INTEGER, sdlcLSOperLastFailCtrlIn OCTET STRING, sdlcLSOperLastFailCtrlOut OCTET STRING, sdlcLSOperLastFailFRMRInfo OCTET STRING, sdlcLSOperLastFailREPLYTOs Counter32, sdlcLSOperEcho INTEGER, sdlcLSOperGPoll INTEGER, sdlcLSOperSimRim INTEGER, sdlcLSOperXmitRcvCap INTEGER } sdlcLSOperName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString(SIZE(1..10)) -- Rsyntax OCTET STRING(SIZE(1..10)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An octet string that defines the name of the remote SDLC link station. This field is received in the XID3 control vector 0x0E, type 0xF7." ::= { sdlcLSOperEntry 1 } sdlcLSOperRole OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { primary(1), secondary(2), undefined(3) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the current role that the link station is assuming. The value of sdlcLSOperRole is undefined(3) whenever the link station role has not yet been established by the mode setting command." ::= { sdlcLSOperEntry 2 } sdlcLSOperState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { discontacted(1), contactPending(2), contacted(3), discontactPending(4) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This object describes the operational state of the SDLC link station. The managed system shall attempt to keep this value consistent with the administered state, sdlcLSAdminState" ::= { sdlcLSOperEntry 3 } sdlcLSOperMAXDATASend OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This object contains the actual maximum PDU size that the local link station can send to the adjacent link station. This object is established from the value received in the XID from the adjacent link station. If no XID is received, then this value is implementation dependent (for instance, it could be the value of sdlcLSAdminMAXDATASend). This value includes the Transmission Header (TH) and the Request Header (RH)." ::= { sdlcLSOperEntry 4 } sdlcLSOperREPLYTO OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeInterval -- Rsyntax INTEGER(0..2147483647) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the current reply timeout (in 1/100ths of a second) for an SDLC link station. If the link station does not receive a response to a poll or message before the specified time expires then the appropriate error recovery shall be initiated. The object descriptor contains the name of an NCP configuration parameter, REPLYTO. Please note that the value of this object represents 1/100ths of a second while the NCP REPLYTO is represented in 1/10ths of a second. This object only has meaning for SDLC ports where sdlcPortOperRole == primary " ::= { sdlcLSOperEntry 5 } sdlcLSOperMAXIN OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(1..127) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the current maximum number of unacknowledged I-frames which an SDLC link station may receive. This shall range from 1 to (sdlcLSOperMODULO - 1)." ::= { sdlcLSOperEntry 6 } sdlcLSOperMAXOUT OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(1..127) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This object controls the maximum number of consecutive unacknowledged I-frames which an SDLC link station shall send without an acknowledgement. This shall range from 1 to (sdlcLSAdminMODULO - 1). This value may controlled by the administered MAXOUT, sdlcLSAdminMAXOUT, or by the MAXIN value received during the XID exchange." ::= { sdlcLSOperEntry 7 } sdlcLSOperMODULO OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { eight(8), onetwentyeight(128) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the current modulus for an SDLC link station. This modulus determines the size of rotating acknowledgement window used by the SDLC link station pair." DEFVAL { eight } ::= { sdlcLSOperEntry 8 } sdlcLSOperRETRIESm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..128) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This object controls number of retries in a retry sequence for an SDLC link station. A retry sequence is a series of retransmitted frames ( data or control) for which no positive acknowledgement is received. The current number of times that the retry sequence is to be repeated is reflected by the object: sdlcLSOperRETRIESn. The current interval between retry sequences is reflected by the object: sdlcLSOperRETRIESt." ::= { sdlcLSOperEntry 9 } sdlcLSOperRETRIESt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeInterval -- Rsyntax INTEGER(0..2147483647) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the current interval (in 1/100ths of a second) between retry sequences for an SDLC link station if multiple retry sequences are specified. A retry sequence is a series of retransmitted frames ( data or control) for which no positive acknowledgement is received. The object descriptor contains the name of an NCP configuration parameter, RETRIESt. Please note that the value of this object represents 1/100ths of a second while the NCP RETRIESt is represented in seconds. The current number of repeated retries sequences is reflected by the object: sdlcLSOperRETRIESn. The current retries per sequence is reflected by the object: sdlcLSOperRETRIESm." ::= { sdlcLSOperEntry 10 } sdlcLSOperRETRIESn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..127) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the current number of times that a retry sequence is repeated for an SDLC link station. A retry sequence is a series of retransmitted frames ( data or control) for which no positive acknowledgement is received. The current interval between retry sequences is reflected by the object: sdlcLSOperRETRIESn. The current retries per sequence is reflected by the object: sdlcLSOperRETRIESm." ::= { sdlcLSOperEntry 11 } sdlcLSOperRNRLIMIT OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeInterval -- Rsyntax INTEGER(0..2147483647) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the current length of time (in 1/100ths of a second) that an SDLC link station will allow its adjacent link station to remain in a busy (RNR) state before declaring it inoperative. The object descriptor contains the name of an NCP configuration parameter, RNRLIMIT. Please note that the value of this object represents 1/100ths of a second while the NCP RNRLIMIT is represented in minutes. A value of sdlcLSOperRNRLIMIT == 0 means there is no limit." ::= { sdlcLSOperEntry 12 } sdlcLSOperDATMODE OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { half(1), full(2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This object reflects whether the current communications mode with the adjacent link station is two-way-alternate (half) or two-way-simultaneous (full)." ::= { sdlcLSOperEntry 13 } sdlcLSOperLastModifyTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeTicks ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This object describes the value of sysUpTime when this link station definition was last modified. If the link station has not been modified, then this value shall be zero." ::= { sdlcLSOperEntry 14 } sdlcLSOperLastFailTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeTicks ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This object describes the value of sysUpTime when this SDLC link station last failed. If the link station has not failed, then this value shall be zero." ::= { sdlcLSOperEntry 15 } sdlcLSOperLastFailCause OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { undefined(1), rxFRMR(2), txFRMR(3), noResponse(4), protocolErr(5), noActivity(6), rnrLimit(7), retriesExpired(8) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This enumerated object reflects the cause of the last failure of this SDLC link station. If the link station has not failed, then this object will have a value of undefined(1)." DEFVAL { undefined } ::= { sdlcLSOperEntry 16 } sdlcLSOperLastFailCtrlIn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING(SIZE(1..2)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the last control octet or octets (depending on modulus) received by this SDLC link station at the time of the last failure. If the link station has not failed, then this value has no meaning." ::= { sdlcLSOperEntry 17 } sdlcLSOperLastFailCtrlOut OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING(SIZE(1..2)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the last control octet or octets (depending on modulus) sent by this SDLC link station at the time of the last failure. If the link station has not failed, then this value has no meaning." ::= { sdlcLSOperEntry 18 } sdlcLSOperLastFailFRMRInfo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING(SIZE(3)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the information field of the FRMR frame if the last failure for this SDLC link station was as a result of an invalid frame. Otherwise, this field has no meaning." ::= { sdlcLSOperEntry 19 } sdlcLSOperLastFailREPLYTOs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the number of times that the REPLYTO timer had expired for an SDLC link station at the time of the last failure. If the link station has not failed, then this value has no meaning." ::= { sdlcLSOperEntry 20 } sdlcLSOperEcho OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no(1), yes(2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This object identifies whether the echo bit is in effect for this particular link station." DEFVAL { no } ::= { sdlcLSOperEntry 21 } sdlcLSOperGPoll OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..254) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This object describes the group poll address in effect for this link station instance." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { sdlcLSOperEntry 22 } sdlcLSOperSimRim OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no(1), yes(2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the support for transmission and receipt of SIM and RIM control frames for the adjacent link station. The value of this object is set from the XID field received from the adjacent link station." DEFVAL { no } ::= { sdlcLSOperEntry 23 } sdlcLSOperXmitRcvCap OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { twa(1), tws(2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the transmit-receive capabilities for the adjacent SDLC link station. The value of this object is the value of the transmit-receive capability indicator received in the XID image from the adjacent link station." DEFVAL { twa } ::= { sdlcLSOperEntry 24 } sdlcLSStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SdlcLSStatsEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Each entry in this table contains statistics for a specific SDLC link station." ::= { sdlcLSGroup 3 } sdlcLSStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SdlcLSStatsEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A list of statistics for an SDLC link station." INDEX { ifIndex, sdlcLSAddress } ::= { sdlcLSStatsTable 1 } SdlcLSStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { sdlcLSStatsBLUsIn Counter32, sdlcLSStatsBLUsOut Counter32, sdlcLSStatsOctetsIn Counter32, sdlcLSStatsOctetsOut Counter32, sdlcLSStatsPollsIn Counter32, sdlcLSStatsPollsOut Counter32, sdlcLSStatsPollRspsIn Counter32, sdlcLSStatsPollRspsOut Counter32, sdlcLSStatsLocalBusies Counter32, sdlcLSStatsRemoteBusies Counter32, sdlcLSStatsIFramesIn Counter32, sdlcLSStatsIFramesOut Counter32, sdlcLSStatsUIFramesIn Counter32, sdlcLSStatsUIFramesOut Counter32, sdlcLSStatsXIDsIn Counter32, sdlcLSStatsXIDsOut Counter32, sdlcLSStatsTESTsIn Counter32, sdlcLSStatsTESTsOut Counter32, sdlcLSStatsREJsIn Counter32, sdlcLSStatsREJsOut Counter32, sdlcLSStatsFRMRsIn Counter32, sdlcLSStatsFRMRsOut Counter32, sdlcLSStatsSIMsIn Counter32, sdlcLSStatsSIMsOut Counter32, sdlcLSStatsRIMsIn Counter32, sdlcLSStatsRIMsOut Counter32, sdlcLSStatsDISCIn Counter32, sdlcLSStatsDISCOut Counter32, sdlcLSStatsUAIn Counter32, sdlcLSStatsUAOut Counter32, sdlcLSStatsDMIn Counter32, sdlcLSStatsDMOut Counter32, sdlcLSStatsSNRMIn Counter32, sdlcLSStatsSNRMOut Counter32, sdlcLSStatsProtocolErrs Counter32, sdlcLSStatsActivityTOs Counter32, sdlcLSStatsRNRLIMITs Counter32, sdlcLSStatsRetriesExps Counter32, sdlcLSStatsRetransmitsIn Counter32, sdlcLSStatsRetransmitsOut Counter32 } sdlcLSStatsBLUsIn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total basic link units (BLUs; frames) received from an adjacent SDLC link station since link station startup. At link station startup time, this object must be initialized to zero." ::= { sdlcLSStatsEntry 1 } sdlcLSStatsBLUsOut OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total basic link units (BLUs; frames), transmitted to an adjacent SDLC link station since link station startup. At link station startup time, this object must be initialized to zero." ::= { sdlcLSStatsEntry 2 } sdlcLSStatsOctetsIn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total octets received from an adjacent SDLC link station since link station startup. This object covers the address, control, and information field of I-Frames only. At link station startup time, this object must be initialized to zero." ::= { sdlcLSStatsEntry 3 } sdlcLSStatsOctetsOut OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total octets transmitted to an adjacent SDLC link station since link station startup. This object covers the address, control, and information field of I-Frames only. At link station startup time, this object must be initialized to zero." ::= { sdlcLSStatsEntry 4 } sdlcLSStatsPollsIn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total polls received from an adjacent SDLC link station since link station startup. At link station startup time, this object must be initialized to zero." ::= { sdlcLSStatsEntry 5 } sdlcLSStatsPollsOut OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total polls sent to an adjacent SDLC link station since link station startup. At link station startup time, this object must be initialized to zero." ::= { sdlcLSStatsEntry 6 } sdlcLSStatsPollRspsOut OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of poll responses sent to the adjacent SDLC link station since link station startup. This value includes I-frames that are sent in response to a poll. At link station startup time, this object must be initialized to zero." ::= { sdlcLSStatsEntry 7 } sdlcLSStatsPollRspsIn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of poll responses received from the adjacent SDLC link station since station startup. This value includes I-frames that are received in response to a poll. At link station startup time, this object must be initialized to zero." ::= { sdlcLSStatsEntry 8 } sdlcLSStatsLocalBusies OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of times that the local SDLC link station has entered a busy state (RNR) since link station startup. At link station startup time, this object must be initialized to zero." ::= { sdlcLSStatsEntry 9 } sdlcLSStatsRemoteBusies OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of times that an adjacent ( remote) SDLC link station has entered a busy state (RNR) since link station startup. At link station startup time, this object must be initialized to zero." ::= { sdlcLSStatsEntry 10 } sdlcLSStatsIFramesIn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total I-frames received from an adjacent SDLC link station since link station startup. At link station startup time, this object must be initialized to zero." ::= { sdlcLSStatsEntry 11 } sdlcLSStatsIFramesOut OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total I-frames transmitted to an adjacent SDLC link station since link station startup. At link station startup time, this object must be initialized to zero." ::= { sdlcLSStatsEntry 12 } sdlcLSStatsUIFramesIn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total UI-frames received from an adjacent SDLC link station since link station startup." ::= { sdlcLSStatsEntry 13 } sdlcLSStatsUIFramesOut OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total UI-frames transmitted to an adjacent SDLC link station since link station startup." ::= { sdlcLSStatsEntry 14 } sdlcLSStatsXIDsIn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total XID frames received from an adjacent SDLC link station since link station startup." ::= { sdlcLSStatsEntry 15 } sdlcLSStatsXIDsOut OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total XID frames transmitted to an adjacent SDLC link station since link station startup." ::= { sdlcLSStatsEntry 16 } sdlcLSStatsTESTsIn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total TEST frames, commands or responses, received from an adjacent SDLC link station since link station startup." ::= { sdlcLSStatsEntry 17 } sdlcLSStatsTESTsOut OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total TEST frames, commands or responses, transmitted to an adjacent SDLC link station since link station startup." ::= { sdlcLSStatsEntry 18 } sdlcLSStatsREJsIn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total REJ frames received from an adjacent SDLC link station since link station startup." ::= { sdlcLSStatsEntry 19 } sdlcLSStatsREJsOut OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total REJ frames transmitted to an adjacent SDLC link station since link station startup." ::= { sdlcLSStatsEntry 20 } sdlcLSStatsFRMRsIn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total frame reject (FRMR) frames received from an adjacent SDLC link station since link station startup." ::= { sdlcLSStatsEntry 21 } sdlcLSStatsFRMRsOut OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total frame reject (FRMR) frames transmitted to an adjacent SDLC link station since link station startup." ::= { sdlcLSStatsEntry 22 } sdlcLSStatsSIMsIn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total set initialization mode (SIM) frames received from an adjacent SDLC link station since link station startup." ::= { sdlcLSStatsEntry 23 } sdlcLSStatsSIMsOut OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total set initialization mode (SIM) frames transmitted to an adjacent SDLC link station since link station startup. At link station startup time, this object must be initialized to zero." ::= { sdlcLSStatsEntry 24 } sdlcLSStatsRIMsIn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total request initialization mode (RIM) frames received from an adjacent SDLC link station since link station startup. At link station startup time, this object must be initialized to zero." ::= { sdlcLSStatsEntry 25 } sdlcLSStatsRIMsOut OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total request initialization mode (RIM) frames transmitted to an adjacent SDLC link station since link station startup. At link station startup time, this object must be initialized to zero." ::= { sdlcLSStatsEntry 26 } sdlcLSStatsDISCIn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of disconnect (DISC) requests received from an adjacent SDLC link station since link station startup. At link station startup time, this object must be initialized to zero." ::= { sdlcLSStatsEntry 27 } sdlcLSStatsDISCOut OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of disconnect (DISC) requests transmited to an adjacent SDLC link station since link station startup. At link station startup time, this object must be initialized to zero." ::= { sdlcLSStatsEntry 28 } sdlcLSStatsUAIn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of unnumbered acknowledgements (UA) requests received from an adjacent SDLC link station since link station startup. At link station startup time, this object must be initialized to zero." ::= { sdlcLSStatsEntry 29 } sdlcLSStatsUAOut OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of unnumbered acknowledgements (UA) requests transmited to an adjacent SDLC link station since link station startup. At link station startup time, this object must be initialized to zero." ::= { sdlcLSStatsEntry 30 } sdlcLSStatsDMIn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of disconnect mode (DM) requests received from an adjacent SDLC link station since link station startup. At link station startup time, this object must be initialized to zero." ::= { sdlcLSStatsEntry 31 } sdlcLSStatsDMOut OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of disconnect mode (DM) requests transmited to an adjacent SDLC link station since link station startup. At link station startup time, this object must be initialized to zero." ::= { sdlcLSStatsEntry 32 } sdlcLSStatsSNRMIn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of set normal response mode (SNRM/SNRME) requests received from an adjacent SDLC link station since link station startup. At link station startup time, this object must be initialized to zero." ::= { sdlcLSStatsEntry 33 } sdlcLSStatsSNRMOut OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of set normal response mode (SNRM/SNRME) requests transmited to an adjacent SDLC link station since link station startup. At link station startup time, this object must be initialized to zero." ::= { sdlcLSStatsEntry 34 } sdlcLSStatsProtocolErrs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total occurrences, since link station startup, where this SDLC link station has inactivated the link as a result of receiving a frame from its adjacent link station which was in violation of the protocol. At link station startup time, this object must be initialized to zero." ::= { sdlcLSStatsEntry 35 } sdlcLSStatsActivityTOs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total occurrences, since startup, where this SDLC link station has inactivated the link as a result of no activity on the link. At link station startup time, this object must be initialized to zero." ::= { sdlcLSStatsEntry 36 } sdlcLSStatsRNRLIMITs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total occurrences, since startup, where this SDLC link station has inactivated the link as a result of its RNRLIMIT timer expiring. At link station startup time, this object must be initialized to zero." ::= { sdlcLSStatsEntry 37 } sdlcLSStatsRetriesExps OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total occurrences, since startup, where this SDLC link station has inactivated the link as a result of a retry sequence being exhausted. At link station startup time, this object must be initialized to zero." ::= { sdlcLSStatsEntry 38 } sdlcLSStatsRetransmitsIn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of information frames retransmitted by the remote link station because the N(s) received from that link station indicated that one or more information frames sent by that station were lost. This event causes the first missing information frame of a window and all subsequent information frames to be retransmitted. At link station startup time, this object must be initialized to zero. Management: If the value of sdlcLSStatsRetransmitsIn grows over time, then the quality of the serial line is in question. You might want to look at decreasing the value for sdlcLSAdminMAXDATASend to compensate for the lower quality line." ::= { sdlcLSStatsEntry 39 } sdlcLSStatsRetransmitsOut OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of information frames retransmitted to a remote link station because the N(r) received from that link station indicated that one or more information frames sent to that station were lost. This event causes the first missing information frame of a window and all subsequent information frames to be retransmitted. At link station startup time, this object must be initialized to zero. Management: If the value of sdlcLSStatsRetransmitsOut grows over time, then the quality of the serial line is in question. You might want to look at decreasing the value for sdlcLSAdminMAXDATASend to compensate for the lower quality line." ::= { sdlcLSStatsEntry 40 } sdlcPortStatusChange TRAP-TYPE --?? Non-reverse mappable trap ENTERPRISE sdlcTraps VARIABLES { ifIndex, ifAdminStatus, ifOperStatus, sdlcPortOperLastFailTime, sdlcPortOperLastFailCause } -- Status -- mandatory DESCRIPTION "This trap indicates that the state of an SDLC port has transitioned to active or inactive." ::= 1 sdlcLSStatusChange TRAP-TYPE --?? Non-reverse mappable trap ENTERPRISE sdlcTraps VARIABLES { ifIndex, sdlcLSAddress, sdlcLSOperState, sdlcLSAdminState, sdlcLSOperLastFailTime, sdlcLSOperLastFailCause, sdlcLSOperLastFailFRMRInfo, sdlcLSOperLastFailCtrlIn, sdlcLSOperLastFailCtrlOut, sdlcLSOperLastFailREPLYTOs } -- Status -- mandatory DESCRIPTION "This trap indicates that the state of an SDLC link station has transitioned to contacted or discontacted." ::= 2 sdlcCorePortAdminGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sdlcCoreGroups 1 } -- OBJECT-GROUP -- Status -- mandatory -- Descr -- The sdlcCorePortAdminGroup defines objects -- which are common to the PortAdmin group of all -- compliant link stations. -- objects -- sdlcPortAdminName, sdlcPortAdminRole, sdlcPortAdminType, -- sdlcPortAdminTopology, sdlcPortAdminISTATUS sdlcCorePortOperGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sdlcCoreGroups 2 } -- OBJECT-GROUP -- Status -- mandatory -- Descr -- The sdlcCorePortOperGroup defines objects -- which are common to the PortOper group of all -- compliant link stations. -- objects -- sdlcPortOperName, sdlcPortOperRole, sdlcPortOperType, -- sdlcPortOperTopology, sdlcPortOperISTATUS, -- sdlcPortOperACTIVTO, sdlcPortOperLastFailTime, -- sdlcPortOperLastFailCause sdlcCorePortStatsGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sdlcCoreGroups 3 } -- OBJECT-GROUP -- Status -- mandatory -- Descr -- The sdlcCorePortStatsGroup defines objects -- which are common to the PortStats group of all -- compliant link stations. -- objects -- sdlcPortStatsPhysicalFailures, sdlcPortStatsInvalidAddresses, -- sdlcPortStatsDwarfFrames sdlcCoreLSAdminGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sdlcCoreGroups 4 } -- OBJECT-GROUP -- Status -- mandatory -- Descr -- The sdlcCorePortAdminGroup defines objects -- which are common to the PortAdmin group of all -- compliant link stations. -- objects -- sdlcLSAddress, sdlcLSAdminName, sdlcLSAdminState, -- sdlcLSAdminISTATUS, sdlcLSAdminMAXDATASend, -- sdlcLSAdminMAXDATARcv, sdlcLSAdminMAXIN, sdlcLSAdminMAXOUT, -- sdlcLSAdminMODULO, sdlcLSAdminRETRIESm, sdlcLSAdminRETRIESt, -- sdlcLSAdminRETRIESn, sdlcLSAdminRNRLIMIT, sdlcLSAdminDATMODE, -- sdlcLSAdminGPoll, sdlcLSAdminSimRim, sdlcLSAdminRowStatus sdlcCoreLSOperGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sdlcCoreGroups 5 } -- OBJECT-GROUP -- Status -- mandatory -- Descr -- The sdlcCorePortOperGroup defines objects -- which are common to the PortOper group of all -- compliant link stations. -- objects -- sdlcLSOperRole, sdlcLSOperState, sdlcLSOperMAXDATASend, -- sdlcLSOperMAXIN, sdlcLSOperMAXOUT, sdlcLSOperMODULO, -- sdlcLSOperRETRIESm, sdlcLSOperRETRIESt, sdlcLSOperRETRIESn, -- sdlcLSOperRNRLIMIT, sdlcLSOperDATMODE, sdlcLSOperLastFailTime, -- sdlcLSOperLastFailCause, sdlcLSOperLastFailCtrlIn, -- sdlcLSOperLastFailCtrlOut, sdlcLSOperLastFailFRMRInfo, -- sdlcLSOperLastFailREPLYTOs, sdlcLSOperEcho, sdlcLSOperGPoll sdlcCoreLSStatsGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sdlcCoreGroups 6 } -- OBJECT-GROUP -- Status -- mandatory -- Descr -- The sdlcCorePortStatsGroup defines objects -- which are common to the PortStats group of all -- compliant link stations. -- objects -- sdlcLSStatsBLUsIn, sdlcLSStatsBLUsOut, sdlcLSStatsOctetsIn, -- sdlcLSStatsOctetsOut, sdlcLSStatsPollsIn, sdlcLSStatsPollsOut, -- sdlcLSStatsPollRspsIn, sdlcLSStatsPollRspsOut, -- sdlcLSStatsLocalBusies, sdlcLSStatsRemoteBusies, -- sdlcLSStatsIFramesIn, sdlcLSStatsIFramesOut, -- sdlcLSStatsRetransmitsIn, sdlcLSStatsRetransmitsOut, -- sdlcLSStatsUIFramesIn, sdlcLSStatsUIFramesOut, -- sdlcLSStatsXIDsIn, sdlcLSStatsXIDsOut, sdlcLSStatsTESTsIn, -- sdlcLSStatsTESTsOut, sdlcLSStatsREJsIn, sdlcLSStatsREJsOut, -- sdlcLSStatsFRMRsIn, sdlcLSStatsFRMRsOut, sdlcLSStatsSIMsIn, -- sdlcLSStatsSIMsOut, sdlcLSStatsRIMsIn, sdlcLSStatsRIMsOut, -- sdlcLSStatsProtocolErrs, sdlcLSStatsRNRLIMITs, -- sdlcLSStatsRetriesExps sdlcPrimaryGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sdlcPrimaryGroups 1 } -- OBJECT-GROUP -- Status -- mandatory -- Descr -- The sdlcPrimaryGroup defines objects which -- are common to all compliant primary link -- stations. -- objects -- sdlcPortAdminPAUSE, sdlcPortOperPAUSE, sdlcLSAdminREPLYTO, -- sdlcLSOperREPLYTO sdlcPrimaryMultipointGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sdlcPrimaryGroups 2 } -- OBJECT-GROUP -- Status -- mandatory -- Descr -- The sdlcPrimaryMultipointGroup defines objects -- which are common to all compliant primary link -- stations that are in a multipoint topology. -- objects -- sdlcPortAdminSERVLIM, sdlcPortAdminSlowPollTimer, -- sdlcPortOperSlowPollMethod, sdlcPortOperSERVLIM, -- sdlcPortOperSlowPollTimer sdlcCoreCompliance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sdlcCompliances 1 } -- MODULE-COMPLIANCE -- Status -- mandatory -- Descr -- The core compliance statement for all SDLC -- nodes. -- Module -- >>current<< -- MandGroup -- sdlcCorePortAdminGroup -- MandGroup -- sdlcCorePortOperGroup -- MandGroup -- sdlcCorePortStatsGroup -- MandGroup -- sdlcCoreLSAdminGroup -- MandGroup -- sdlcCoreLSOperGroup -- MandGroup -- sdlcCoreLSStatsGroup -- ObjVar -- sdlcPortAdminName -- ObjVar -- sdlcPortAdminRole -- ObjVar -- sdlcPortAdminType -- ObjVar -- sdlcPortAdminTopology -- ObjVar -- sdlcPortAdminISTATUS -- ObjVar -- sdlcLSAddress -- ObjVar -- sdlcLSAdminName -- ObjVar -- sdlcLSAdminState -- ObjVar -- sdlcLSAdminISTATUS -- ObjVar -- sdlcLSAdminMAXDATASend -- ObjVar -- sdlcLSAdminMAXDATARcv -- ObjVar -- sdlcLSAdminMAXIN -- ObjVar -- sdlcLSAdminMAXOUT -- ObjVar -- sdlcLSAdminMODULO -- ObjVar -- sdlcLSAdminRETRIESm -- ObjVar -- sdlcLSAdminRETRIESt -- ObjVar -- sdlcLSAdminRETRIESn -- ObjVar -- sdlcLSAdminRNRLIMIT -- ObjVar -- sdlcLSAdminDATMODE -- ObjVar -- sdlcLSAdminGPoll -- ObjVar -- sdlcLSAdminSimRim -- ObjVar -- sdlcLSAdminRowStatus sdlcPrimaryCompliance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sdlcCompliances 2 } -- MODULE-COMPLIANCE -- Status -- mandatory -- Descr -- The compliance statement for all nodes that -- are performing the role of a Primary link -- station. -- Module -- >>current<< -- MandGroup -- sdlcPrimaryGroup -- ObjVar -- sdlcPortAdminPAUSE -- ObjVar -- sdlcLSAdminREPLYTO sdlcPrimaryMultipointCompliance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sdlcCompliances 3 } -- MODULE-COMPLIANCE -- Status -- mandatory -- Descr -- The compliance statement for all nodes that -- are performing the role of a primary link -- station on a multipoint line. -- Module -- >>current<< -- MandGroup -- sdlcPrimaryMultipointGroup -- ObjVar -- sdlcPortAdminSERVLIM -- ObjVar -- sdlcPortAdminSlowPollTimer END